

Griddle has a number of props and configuration options that can be used. This document attempts to capture all the options that can be set when using Griddle.


Griddle has a data prop available. The data prop is the array of data that Griddle should render. This data should be an array of JSON objects or a class. For example:

const data = [
    "id": 0,
    "name": "Mayer Leonard",
    "city": "Kapowsin",
    "state": "Hawaii",
    "country": "United Kingdom",
    "company": "Ovolo",
    "favoriteNumber": 7
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Koch Becker",
    "city": "Johnsonburg",
    "state": "New Jersey",
    "country": "Madagascar",
    "company": "Eventage",
    "favoriteNumber": 2


The plugins prop is an array of Griddle plugins. Griddle plugins must follow the structure described in the plugins section. Griddle plugins are processed in the order they are defined in the array.’

    plugins={[Plugin1, Plugin2, ..., Plugin6]}


The events prop is an object containing all external events that Griddle should interact with. The events that Griddle knows about by default are:


If an event is not defined it will be a noop but if one of the default events is defined, Griddle will call it when filtering / paging / etc.

Sort Propeties

The sortProperties prop defines the default sort options for Griddle. The sortProperties is an array of sortProperty objects and should look like the following:

  sortProperties: [
    { id: 'one', sortAscending: true },
    { id: 'two', sortAscending: false }
  • id: The column id. Theid of the sortProperty object should match up to the id of the column or property in the data objects.
  • sortAscending: defines whether or not the column should be ascending or desecnding order.

Style Config

The styleConfig prop defines the styling options for Griddle. This is covered in more detail in the styles section of the docs.

The styleConfig has the shape { icons, classNames, styles} and by default looks like:

  icons: {
    TableHeadingCell: {
      sortDescendingIcon: '▼',
      sortAscendingIcon: '▲'
  classNames: {
    Cell: 'griddle-cell',
    Filter: 'griddle-filter',
    Loading: 'griddle-loadingResults',
    NextButton: 'griddle-next-button',
    NoResults: 'griddle-noResults',
    PageDropdown: 'griddle-page-select',
    Pagination: 'griddle-pagination',
    PreviousButton: 'griddle-previous-button',
    Row: 'griddle-row',
    RowDefinition: 'griddle-row-definition',
    Settings: 'griddle-settings',
    SettingsToggle: 'griddle-settings-toggle',
    Table: 'griddle-table',
    TableBody: 'griddle-table-body',
    TableHeading: 'griddle-table-heading',
    TableHeadingCell: 'griddle-table-heading-cell',
    TableHeadingCellAscending: 'griddle-heading-ascending',
    TableHeadingCellDescending: 'griddle-heading-descending',
  styles: {

See the styles section for more information on this.

Page Properties

The pageProperties prop is an object that describes what data and how much should be shown in Griddle. For example to say that Griddle is currently on page 10 of 45 and has 15 rows displayed, this would be achieved through the pageProperties object. By default, pageProperties looks like the following:

  currentPage: 1,
  pageSize: 10

The pageProperties object has the following properties:

  • currentPage: The page that Griddle is currently displaying.
  • pageSize: The number of records to show on each page of data
  • recordCount: The max number of records in the collection – this property will be ignored when using the localPlugin


Any component used in Griddle can have a user-supplied component that will be used instead. This prop defines the components that Griddle should use in place of the defaults. Components passed in on the components prop will override both Griddle defaults and plugins. Examples of providing component overrides are available in the customization page.

All components used in Griddle exist as a container and a view component. Views are entirely responsible for rendering data whereas container components interact with the store state and context. Griddle uses its own Redux store for managing state and all of the components live in the context (this is a big part of what makes plugins work).

The default Griddle plugins are as follows:

  • Cell: The Component that defines an individual Cell in Griddle. Expected props are:
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • value: The value to display in the Cell
    • onClick: The function to call when the component is clicked
    • onMouseEnter: The function to call when mouse hovers over component
    • onMouseLeave: The function to call when mouse leaves component
  • CellContainer: The container component that connects to the redux store (through selectors) and context to obtain data that the Cell view component needs. Expected props are:
    • griddleKey: The row key automatically provided by Griddle for the given row record
    • columnId: The id of the column
  • Filter: The component responsible for filtering data from the UI. Expected prop(s):
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • setFilter: The event that should fire when changing the filter text
  • FilterContainer: The container component responsible for wiring methods for the Filter view component to interact with.
  • Layout: A component that defines the overall layout for Griddle. For example, by default the Griddle layout is setup so that the Filter and Settings components are above the Table and Pagination is under the Table. This can all be changed with the Layout component. See more on this in the Customization section. Expected prop(s):
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • Table: The table component to use in Griddle
    • Pagination: The pagination component to use in Griddle
    • Filter: The filter component to use in Griddle
    • SettingsWrapper: The default settings wrapper to use in Griddle
  • LayoutContainer: The component that connects to context to get the components that the Layout component needs to know about
  • NextButton: The component that is used to obtain the next page of data. Expected prop(s):
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • hasNext: Whether or not there is more data to display.
    • onClick: The event that fires when the NextButton is clicked
  • NextButtonContainer: The container component that is responsible for obtaining whether or not there is more data to display from the store. The NextButtonContainer wraps a nextButton with this data
  • NoResults: The component that displays when there are no results.
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
  • NoResultsContainer: The container component that is responisble for obtaining style props for the NoResults component.
  • PageDropdown: The dropdown component that is used for displaying active page and allows for jumping to another page by page number. Expected prop(s):
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • maxPages: The max number of pages available
    • currentPage: The page of data that is currently displayed.
    • setPage: The event that is fired when a specific page index is chosen
  • PageDropdownContainer: The container responsible for obtaining pagination information from the store and wiring up actions to be passed as props to PageDropdown…
  • Pagination: The component that wraps PreviousButton, NextButton, and PageDropdown. Expected prop(s)
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
  • PaginationContainer: The component that is responsible for interacting with Redux store and outside actions for Pagination.
  • PreviousButton: The component that is used to obtain a previous page of data. Expected prop(s):
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • hasPrevious: Whether or not there is a previous page of data to display.
    • onClick: The event that fires when the PreviousButton is clicked
  • PreviousButtonContainer: The container component that is responsible for obtaining whether or not there is a previous page of data to display from the store.
  • Row: The component that defines a Row in Griddle. Expected Props are:
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • griddleKey: The row key automatically provided by Griddle for each record
    • columnIds: The ids of the visible columns
    • Cell: The Cell component to render
  • RowContainer: The component that connects to the redux store and context to get the list of visible columns and obtain other data that the Row view component needs. Expected prop(s) are:
    • griddleKey: The row key automatically provided by Griddle for the given row record.
  • SettingsToggle: The component that is responsible for toggling the visible state of Settings component. Expected prop(s):
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • onClick: The event that should fire when clicking the show/hide settings button
    • text: The text that should display in the button
  • SettingsToggleContainer: The component that is responsible for wiring up actionCreators/other methods and obtaining data for the SettingsToggle component.
  • SettingsWrapper: The component that wraps both the SettingsToggle and Settings components.
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • isEnabled: Should any settings components (e.g. SettingsToggle / Settings ) be displayed
    • isVisible: Should the Settings component be displayed currently
    • SettingsToggle: The SettingsToggle component to be rendered
    • Settings: The Settings component to be renered
  • SettingsWrapperContainer: The container component that is responsible for interacting with the context and store to pass props to the SettingsWrapper component
  • Settings: The component responsible for rendering the Settings that Griddle uses. Settings consists of a series of SettingsComponents defined by core Griddle and plugins (more documentation is coming on how to setup SettingsComponents)
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • settingsComponents: Array of components to display inside Settings
  • SettingsContainer: Component responsible for interacting with context / store to obtain props to pass into the Settings component
  • Table: The view component responsible for rendering the table tag and its children. Expected prop(s) are:
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • visibleRows: The number of visible rows
    • TableHeading: The TableHeading component to render
    • TableBody: The table body component to render
    • NoResults: The no results component that will be rendered if there are no results
  • TableContainer: The component that connects to the redux store and context to get the data that the Table view component needs
  • TableBody: The component that defines the tbody element for use in the datagrid. Expected prop(s) are:
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • rowIds: The griddleKeys for the rows to render
    • Row: The Row component to render
  • TableBodyContainer: The component that connects to the Redux store and context to get the data that the TableBody component needs. The visibleRowIds are obtained in this container component
  • TableHeading: The component that defines the thead element. Expected prop(s) are:
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • columnTitles: The column titles to display
    • columnIds: The ids of the displayed columns
    • TableHeadingCell: The TableHeadingCell component to render for each column
  • TableHeadingContainer: The component that connects to the Redux store and context to get the props that the TableHeading component needs. This component is responsible for obtaining the column titles and ids from the store
  • TableHeadingCell: The view component responsible for rendering a table heading element (th). Expected prop(s) are:
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • title: The title text to display
    • columnId: The id of the column to display
    • onClick: The event that will fire when the cell heading is clicked
    • onMouseEnter: The event that will fire when the mouse hovers over the cell
    • onMouseLeave: The event that will fire when the mouse leaves the component
  • TableHeadingCellContainer: The component that is responsible for connecting to the Redux store and obtaining the data that the TableHeadingCell component needs.

See the customization page for more information on how to override components in Griddle.


Griddle has a single child prop, RowDefinition which is a component in Griddle. You can import RowDefinition alongside Griddle:

import Griddle, { RowDefinition } from 'griddle-react';

Right now this is mostly a placeholder for ColumnDefinitions but will have more properties in a later version (such as keyColumn instead of Griddle supplying an internal key per record).


RowDefinition takes one more many ColumnDefinition components. The ColumnDefinition components define characteristics of a given column. Using ColumnDefinition components looks like:

  <Griddle data={data}>
      <ColumnDefinition id="name" title="Name" />
      <ColumnDefinition id="company" title="Company order={1} />

The following properties are available on ColumnDefinition components.

  • cssClassName: The css class name to apply to this column.
  • customComponent: A component that should be used in the cell. See the customization page for more information on this.
  • customHeadingComponent: A component that should be used in the CellHeading. See the customization page for more information on this.
  • headerCssClassName: The css class name to apply to the header for the column
  • id: The id of the column that this definition applies to. For example, if data had an array of objects that looked like { id: 1, name: 'Mayer Leonard', state: 'Ohio' }, an id of name would denote that the current ColumnDefinition corresponds to the name prop in the data.
  • visible: Describes whether the column is displayed or hidden when the table renders. The column name will be shown and selectable under Settings.
  • isMetadata: Describes whether or not this column should be treated as metadata. Metadata is not rendered as a column.
  • order: The order in which the column should be displayed. If not defined, Griddle will use the order that the columns were received. If there is a mix of ordered an non-ordered columns, Griddle will use ordered columns first, followed by unordered.
  • sortMethod: The sort method that the column should use when data is sorted on the given column. The parameters for this sort method are as follows:
    • data: The data to sort
    • column: The column information
    • sortAscending: Determines whether the column should be sorted ascending or descending
  • title: The display text for the column heading. For example, if the data property is name and you wanted to display it as Fullname – this could be achieved through this, title property.
  • width: The width of the column


Griddle has a number of props and configuration options that can be used. This document attempts to capture all the options that can be set when using Griddle.


Griddle has a data prop available. The data prop is the array of data that Griddle should render. This data should be an array of JSON objects or a class. For example:

const data = [
    "id": 0,
    "name": "Mayer Leonard",
    "city": "Kapowsin",
    "state": "Hawaii",
    "country": "United Kingdom",
    "company": "Ovolo",
    "favoriteNumber": 7
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Koch Becker",
    "city": "Johnsonburg",
    "state": "New Jersey",
    "country": "Madagascar",
    "company": "Eventage",
    "favoriteNumber": 2


The plugins prop is an array of Griddle plugins. Griddle plugins must follow the structure described in the plugins section. Griddle plugins are processed in the order they are defined in the array.’

    plugins={[Plugin1, Plugin2, ..., Plugin6]}


The events prop is an object containing all external events that Griddle should interact with. The events that Griddle knows about by default are:


If an event is not defined it will be a noop but if one of the default events is defined, Griddle will call it when filtering / paging / etc.

Sort Propeties

The sortProperties prop defines the default sort options for Griddle. The sortProperties is an array of sortProperty objects and should look like the following:

  sortProperties: [
    { id: 'one', sortAscending: true },
    { id: 'two', sortAscending: false }
  • id: The column id. Theid of the sortProperty object should match up to the id of the column or property in the data objects.
  • sortAscending: defines whether or not the column should be ascending or desecnding order.

Style Config

The styleConfig prop defines the styling options for Griddle. This is covered in more detail in the styles section of the docs.

The styleConfig has the shape { icons, classNames, styles} and by default looks like:

  icons: {
    TableHeadingCell: {
      sortDescendingIcon: '▼',
      sortAscendingIcon: '▲'
  classNames: {
    Cell: 'griddle-cell',
    Filter: 'griddle-filter',
    Loading: 'griddle-loadingResults',
    NextButton: 'griddle-next-button',
    NoResults: 'griddle-noResults',
    PageDropdown: 'griddle-page-select',
    Pagination: 'griddle-pagination',
    PreviousButton: 'griddle-previous-button',
    Row: 'griddle-row',
    RowDefinition: 'griddle-row-definition',
    Settings: 'griddle-settings',
    SettingsToggle: 'griddle-settings-toggle',
    Table: 'griddle-table',
    TableBody: 'griddle-table-body',
    TableHeading: 'griddle-table-heading',
    TableHeadingCell: 'griddle-table-heading-cell',
    TableHeadingCellAscending: 'griddle-heading-ascending',
    TableHeadingCellDescending: 'griddle-heading-descending',
  styles: {

See the styles section for more information on this.

Page Properties

The pageProperties prop is an object that describes what data and how much should be shown in Griddle. For example to say that Griddle is currently on page 10 of 45 and has 15 rows displayed, this would be achieved through the pageProperties object. By default, pageProperties looks like the following:

  currentPage: 1,
  pageSize: 10

The pageProperties object has the following properties:

  • currentPage: The page that Griddle is currently displaying.
  • pageSize: The number of records to show on each page of data
  • recordCount: The max number of records in the collection – this property will be ignored when using the localPlugin


Any component used in Griddle can have a user-supplied component that will be used instead. This prop defines the components that Griddle should use in place of the defaults. Components passed in on the components prop will override both Griddle defaults and plugins. Examples of providing component overrides are available in the customization page.

All components used in Griddle exist as a container and a view component. Views are entirely responsible for rendering data whereas container components interact with the store state and context. Griddle uses its own Redux store for managing state and all of the components live in the context (this is a big part of what makes plugins work).

The default Griddle plugins are as follows:

  • Cell: The Component that defines an individual Cell in Griddle. Expected props are:
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • value: The value to display in the Cell
    • onClick: The function to call when the component is clicked
    • onMouseEnter: The function to call when mouse hovers over component
    • onMouseLeave: The function to call when mouse leaves component
  • CellContainer: The container component that connects to the redux store (through selectors) and context to obtain data that the Cell view component needs. Expected props are:
    • griddleKey: The row key automatically provided by Griddle for the given row record
    • columnId: The id of the column
  • Filter: The component responsible for filtering data from the UI. Expected prop(s):
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • setFilter: The event that should fire when changing the filter text
  • FilterContainer: The container component responsible for wiring methods for the Filter view component to interact with.
  • Layout: A component that defines the overall layout for Griddle. For example, by default the Griddle layout is setup so that the Filter and Settings components are above the Table and Pagination is under the Table. This can all be changed with the Layout component. See more on this in the Customization section. Expected prop(s):
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • Table: The table component to use in Griddle
    • Pagination: The pagination component to use in Griddle
    • Filter: The filter component to use in Griddle
    • SettingsWrapper: The default settings wrapper to use in Griddle
  • LayoutContainer: The component that connects to context to get the components that the Layout component needs to know about
  • NextButton: The component that is used to obtain the next page of data. Expected prop(s):
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • hasNext: Whether or not there is more data to display.
    • onClick: The event that fires when the NextButton is clicked
  • NextButtonContainer: The container component that is responsible for obtaining whether or not there is more data to display from the store. The NextButtonContainer wraps a nextButton with this data
  • NoResults: The component that displays when there are no results.
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
  • NoResultsContainer: The container component that is responisble for obtaining style props for the NoResults component.
  • PageDropdown: The dropdown component that is used for displaying active page and allows for jumping to another page by page number. Expected prop(s):
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • maxPages: The max number of pages available
    • currentPage: The page of data that is currently displayed.
    • setPage: The event that is fired when a specific page index is chosen
  • PageDropdownContainer: The container responsible for obtaining pagination information from the store and wiring up actions to be passed as props to PageDropdown…
  • Pagination: The component that wraps PreviousButton, NextButton, and PageDropdown. Expected prop(s)
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
  • PaginationContainer: The component that is responsible for interacting with Redux store and outside actions for Pagination.
  • PreviousButton: The component that is used to obtain a previous page of data. Expected prop(s):
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • hasPrevious: Whether or not there is a previous page of data to display.
    • onClick: The event that fires when the PreviousButton is clicked
  • PreviousButtonContainer: The container component that is responsible for obtaining whether or not there is a previous page of data to display from the store.
  • Row: The component that defines a Row in Griddle. Expected Props are:
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • griddleKey: The row key automatically provided by Griddle for each record
    • columnIds: The ids of the visible columns
    • Cell: The Cell component to render
  • RowContainer: The component that connects to the redux store and context to get the list of visible columns and obtain other data that the Row view component needs. Expected prop(s) are:
    • griddleKey: The row key automatically provided by Griddle for the given row record.
  • SettingsToggle: The component that is responsible for toggling the visible state of Settings component. Expected prop(s):
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • onClick: The event that should fire when clicking the show/hide settings button
    • text: The text that should display in the button
  • SettingsToggleContainer: The component that is responsible for wiring up actionCreators/other methods and obtaining data for the SettingsToggle component.
  • SettingsWrapper: The component that wraps both the SettingsToggle and Settings components.
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • isEnabled: Should any settings components (e.g. SettingsToggle / Settings ) be displayed
    • isVisible: Should the Settings component be displayed currently
    • SettingsToggle: The SettingsToggle component to be rendered
    • Settings: The Settings component to be renered
  • SettingsWrapperContainer: The container component that is responsible for interacting with the context and store to pass props to the SettingsWrapper component
  • Settings: The component responsible for rendering the Settings that Griddle uses. Settings consists of a series of SettingsComponents defined by core Griddle and plugins (more documentation is coming on how to setup SettingsComponents)
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • settingsComponents: Array of components to display inside Settings
  • SettingsContainer: Component responsible for interacting with context / store to obtain props to pass into the Settings component
  • Table: The view component responsible for rendering the table tag and its children. Expected prop(s) are:
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • visibleRows: The number of visible rows
    • TableHeading: The TableHeading component to render
    • TableBody: The table body component to render
    • NoResults: The no results component that will be rendered if there are no results
  • TableContainer: The component that connects to the redux store and context to get the data that the Table view component needs
  • TableBody: The component that defines the tbody element for use in the datagrid. Expected prop(s) are:
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • rowIds: The griddleKeys for the rows to render
    • Row: The Row component to render
  • TableBodyContainer: The component that connects to the Redux store and context to get the data that the TableBody component needs. The visibleRowIds are obtained in this container component
  • TableHeading: The component that defines the thead element. Expected prop(s) are:
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • columnTitles: The column titles to display
    • columnIds: The ids of the displayed columns
    • TableHeadingCell: The TableHeadingCell component to render for each column
  • TableHeadingContainer: The component that connects to the Redux store and context to get the props that the TableHeading component needs. This component is responsible for obtaining the column titles and ids from the store
  • TableHeadingCell: The view component responsible for rendering a table heading element (th). Expected prop(s) are:
    • className: The className to apply to this component
    • style: The style to apply to this component
    • title: The title text to display
    • columnId: The id of the column to display
    • onClick: The event that will fire when the cell heading is clicked
    • onMouseEnter: The event that will fire when the mouse hovers over the cell
    • onMouseLeave: The event that will fire when the mouse leaves the component
  • TableHeadingCellContainer: The component that is responsible for connecting to the Redux store and obtaining the data that the TableHeadingCell component needs.

See the customization page for more information on how to override components in Griddle.


Griddle has a single child prop, RowDefinition which is a component in Griddle. You can import RowDefinition alongside Griddle:

import Griddle, { RowDefinition } from 'griddle-react';

Right now this is mostly a placeholder for ColumnDefinitions but will have more properties in a later version (such as keyColumn instead of Griddle supplying an internal key per record).


RowDefinition takes one more many ColumnDefinition components. The ColumnDefinition components define characteristics of a given column. Using ColumnDefinition components looks like:

  <Griddle data={data}>
      <ColumnDefinition id="name" title="Name" />
      <ColumnDefinition id="company" title="Company order={1} />

The following properties are available on ColumnDefinition components.

  • cssClassName: The css class name to apply to this column.
  • customComponent: A component that should be used in the cell. See the customization page for more information on this.
  • customHeadingComponent: A component that should be used in the CellHeading. See the customization page for more information on this.
  • headerCssClassName: The css class name to apply to the header for the column
  • id: The id of the column that this definition applies to. For example, if data had an array of objects that looked like { id: 1, name: 'Mayer Leonard', state: 'Ohio' }, an id of name would denote that the current ColumnDefinition corresponds to the name prop in the data.
  • visible: Describes whether the column is displayed or hidden when the table renders. The column name will be shown and selectable under Settings.
  • isMetadata: Describes whether or not this column should be treated as metadata. Metadata is not rendered as a column.
  • order: The order in which the column should be displayed. If not defined, Griddle will use the order that the columns were received. If there is a mix of ordered an non-ordered columns, Griddle will use ordered columns first, followed by unordered.
  • sortMethod: The sort method that the column should use when data is sorted on the given column. The parameters for this sort method are as follows:
    • data: The data to sort
    • column: The column information
    • sortAscending: Determines whether the column should be sorted ascending or descending
  • title: The display text for the column heading. For example, if the data property is name and you wanted to display it as Fullname – this could be achieved through this, title property.
  • width: The width of the column